Severus Snape

In the movie harry potter and deathly hallows part-2, decent level of justice was done to Severus Snape’s character. Severus snape and his presentation as done by Alan Rickman is one of the most endearing potrayals of an anti-hero in movie history. Snape always was in love with Lilly Potter since thier childhood. His crush, infatuation, adulhood love, his love-failure, his misguided loyalty to Voldermot, his stupid act of conveying “the” prophecy to Voldermot, which sowed the seeds for the whole Harry Potter saga, his poignant expression of grief hugging the dead body of Lilly Potter .. (Harry’s mother) are too poetic to ignore.

This tumultous life of Snape ended in a tragic death at Voldermot’s hands, but the man was redeemed beyond anyone’s estimate, on the account of his loyalty to Dumbledore and his inscrutable protection of Harry Potter. How in every step he took care of Harry Potter, despite being looked upon as a Death Eater (which he was technically speaking – the mark and all that) by all except Dumbledore, endears this half-blood prince to us even more.

Snape is not a ordinary wizard by any means, I am sure he would have held his own had he dueled with the dark lord himself. Even more impressive than that was his ability to shut his mind completely from Voldermot. Remember how Voldermot possessed Harry and many other like him…. ? He was stoic in life, in the aftermath of his love failure and also at his moment of death. Not that his faults and mistakes can be forgotten but in fact they should be remembered, because it is on account of those those lapses that his character is inspiring !!

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